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The One Two Pass

The one two pass, also known as the give-and go, is used a lot in modern day soccer games. Its quick, decisive and very effective for beating defenders and creating space for yourself. Like any other skii or technique, it takes practice to master this type of pass. Once you have practiced it, you will be able to use it effectively on the pitch in a real game sutuation.

This pass is very simple to perform. When you are in possession of the ball, and a defender is standing right in front of you, getting ready to tackle you, you have a few choices. You can either try to dribble past him or play a pass. Taking on a defender is a much riskier tactic and a much safer route would be to play a pass. Look up and find a team-mate who is relatively close and play a short simple pass to feet.

Once the ball has left your feet, make a darting run forward into open space. Naturally, the defenders will look at the ball so the focus will not be on you whilst you make the run into open space.

Your team-mate which you passed the ball too, should be able to return you the ball safely with a one touch pass. If the pass is successful, you will most likely have gotten past the defender and created some space for yourself.

The give and go is about team work and understanding each other well. You both have to be thinking on the same wave length for this to work properly and be able to execute it effectively. This takes practice and communication. Talk to each other and don't be afraid to to use your voice. 

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