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The Through ball

A through ball is a pass made into space in which a team-mate runs onto the ball.

For this type of pass to work, the player needs to make the run into open space whilst the passer has to be able to execute the pass into space.

Once you get this right you will have no problem in using this technique. This type of pass is used quite a lot in soccer because it is great for breaking past the defensive line to create openings.

A Through pass can be used at any time down the wings, through the centre and on counter attacks. Most teams like to use the through ball on the counter attack as it allows players to break quicker rather then passing to feet.

To execute this pass properly, plant your non kicking foot next to the ball like a pass, look up to see where your team mate is.

Sometimes your team-mate will signal you, telling you exactly where he wants the ball played.

Once you have decided on your pass, with your kicking foot, knock the ball into open space in front of your team-mate. The pass does not have to be played ball too feet.

Using a through pass is great for beating the last line of defence as it allows attackers to run past defenders to create more space for themselves.

You should only use this type of pass when your team-mates have space to run into. It is not really recommended to use in tight areas such as the midfield as this can just give away possession

Chip Ball

The chip through pass is similar to the through ball but instead of passing the ball along the ground, you chip it over your opponents.

This is harder to do and requires you to be more skilful and have a more of a understanding with your team mates.

To execute a chip ball, plant your non-kicking foot next to the ball.

Look up to spot your team-mates and then, with the instep of your foot, kick the bottom of the ball to elevate it off the ground.

As soon as you chip the ball, your team mate will have to run at the exact same time into space. Timing is important as it could be the difference between being onside or offside.

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