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This is Messi the secret Create Five scored the goal Bayer Leverkusen

lionel messi, bayer leverkusen, liga champions
Lionel Messi

The game against Bayer Leverkusen could be the most beautiful game career Lionel Messi. For the first time in the Champions Leagueperformances, there are players who scored five goals. He is Messi.
After the match, Messi did his custom to carry the ball used in the game. If it is a ritualMessi always scored three goals or more.

"It was great managed to score five goals. In the Champions League we want to go as far as possible. But we knew going against a tough opponent in the next round. Only thebest teams are able to reach this round, "said Messi.

However, interesting facts emerge before the game. Catradio Cope launch, when Messihad experienced headaches. One of the Barcelona team doctor, Ricard Pruna, thengive Aspirin to Messi. Just so you know, aspirin is a drug made ​​by Bayer company.Bayer itself is a company that has a German club, Bayer Leverkusen.

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