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The God of Futsal

Alessandro Rosa Vieira ( Falcao )

Personal data

Name: Alessandro Rosa Vieira

Born: Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 8, 1977

Height: 177 cm

Position: winger

Who does not know the figure Falcao. Maestro futsal world with a fantastic dribble, top scores, the world's best players, world champions, and other prestigious titles seabreg not enough to describe this figure player lefty. Born with the name of Alessandro Rosa Vieira, more famous under the name Falcao, he began his career futsal since 1989 when the age of 12 years. Together Guarapira futsal clubs, youth began to hone his talent Falcao.

Until 1992, the Corinthians become the new haven for him. Here, the Sao Paulo-born player is starting to get really competitive climate. Could also enjoy the Paulista Championship trophy in 1995 and Sao o Paulo City Cup in the same year, decided to leave the GMChevrolet Falcao.

GMChevrolet together, only one season she skill performance. But on the season 1997a € "1998 is a Brazilian Club Cup trophy could he offered. Furthermore, the various clubs he had flown. In 1999, at the age of 22 years, Atla© Tico-MG and Rio de Janeiro lucky to get a splash of individual skills.

Row, Sao Paulo (2000), Banespa (2000a € "2002), Malwee / Jaragua ¡(2003a €" 2005), Sao Paulo (2005), Malwee / Jaragua ¡(2005a € "2010) to Now the club is currently Cortiana / Santos.

In this exercise five to five, usually plays as a winger Falcao. I question from the field and then suddenly to cut in, very dangerous. The speed of his legs and his left foot shot accuracy is second to none. Together with the Brazilian futsal team, more than 200 goals have been successfully he offered. He also had two-time FIFA Player of Futsal World Cup in 2004 and 2008. On the last occasion, he even gave the title to the success-4 for Brazil.

Falcao depict more easily by opening a YouTube account. We can see how the club and national team appearances for the Brazilian futsal. One video on Youtube Falcao action was witnessed by nearly 5 million visitors. In many video, variety acts, and his goals to make everyone amazed. Let us, Brazilian star Ronaldinho and Robinho was a kind of very Idola. Karmadi Sayan, Indonesia futsal national team striker was so menggandrungi pefutsal which is identical with the number 12.

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2 komentar:

lana said...

Pertamax gan,,

Falcao adalah pemain futsal favorit ane..
wuih kakinya cepet..

Unknown said...

Pertamax seep dah,,,

iya falcao juga pemain futsal favorit ane gan...
kaki kirinya luar biasa,,,

trims udah berkunjung,, :D

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