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Side Foot Pass

The side foot pass is the most common and easiest pass to perform. It is highly effective and very accurate.

The non-striking foot should be level with the ball. Strike the ball with the inside of your other foot. Adjust weight and direction of pass depending on how far and where your team mate is.

Try to hit the ball through the center and try not to get any lift on the ball. Short passes are suppose to be accurate and along the floor. This is usually quite hard to do when hitting the ball with pace so don't worry about it too much if the bal gets a little bit of air.

Kepping the ball on the deck improves accuracy greatly and is easier for team-mates to control the ball.

A ball travelling through the air takes longer to control then one that is rolling along the ground.
Make sure to hit the ball with the large area at the side of your foot in the intended direction.
Always looks up for support and know where your team-mates are before making a pass.
The head should be steady with eyes on the ball at all times. Always keep your calm and never panic.
The moment you see a team-mate open and wanting the ball, do not hesitate to play him a short, simple pass.

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