To the player pushes on the apprenticeship needs to know what it is doing correctly and the mistakes what it is committing. Therefore it is in order that basic he receives, on these aspects, given informations ' at time ' and in the appropriate form, when (information of return) was designated feed-backs. To correct, the coach it needs, first of all, of knowing the techniques / information what it is going to teach. The knowledge of the techniques / Tactiques comes across in: - in being able to distinguish all of the importants parts from the moves or mouvements; - to know what are his basic points (component criticism); - to know what are the commonest diversions of execution and the respective causes; - know which the essential corrections what it must do.
When a player is committing several mistakes it is better to correct one at a time, giving sufficient information but without overloading. It is essential identifies the cause of the mistake, so that the correction is adjusted avoiding the transmission of feed-back wrong or unsuitably. To push on the apprenticeship, the player must receive feed-backs useful (specific) in the frequent form and sufficiently early, supplying indications on as the execution can be improved.

The mistakes can take place because the player does not know how a technique will execute, i.e. it still did not develop the driving correct program (mistakes of apprenticeship); they me them can take place also in players who already dominate the technique, but for lack of attention or motivation, do not concentrate on a determined part of that, when the remediation is consisting of this case, in taking the player to be concentrated in this part, recalling it.

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2 komentar:

Agus said...

Tips yang bagus gan..

Unknown said...

terkadang kita lupa hal2 yang seperti ini gan...
trims udah berkunjung

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