[1] 1st touch
[2] 1-2 touch passing
[3] Receiving in motion
[4] “Pass and move”
How To Set It Up:
[a] 2-12 players;
[b] players divided in pairs;
[c] 3-6 balls;
[d] 5-7 cones.
How To Play It:
[1] Player A and Players B start by standing on different sides of the cones, facing each other;
[2] Player A has a ball;
[3] Player A passes the ball to Players B between first two cones and moves forward to the 2nd cone;
[4] Player B receives the ball with the sole of the foot, with the 1st touch roles it to the second cone and with the 2nd touch – passes the ball back to Player A through cones nr.2 and 3;
[5] Players are passing the ball in this kind of manner going along all cones;
[6] Player A and Player B are moving while facing each other;
[7] After they reach the last cone, one of them passes the ball back to the players in the line (who are waiting for their turn to start the drill) and goes back to the end of his line.
[8] Next players in the line start the drill right after Player A and Player B have reached the 3rd cone.
[1] 1st touch (receiving of the ball) can be made with the sole of the foot or with the side of the foot;
[2] It's up to the coach to decide on the limit of touches each player should have on ball – it can be 1 or 2 touches.
What a Coach Should Shout:
[1] More accurate passing!
[2] Quality, not the speed!
[3] Time your passes! Your partner should be ready to receive before you make a pass!
Important note:
[1] When the last pass is made (the last cone reached) one of players must grab the ball in his hands and bring it to players in the line.
[2] The coach should be standing exactly how it's shown in the picture. This is the best position for observing and making necessary comments.
via mediafire
3 komentar:
I like it..
thank jones,,
yours a shit hole u got no fans
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